dwilliams01;283354 Wrote: 
> I, for one, probably wouldn't take the time to find all of the artists
> pictures to use.  A VERY interesting idea, though.  I could see that
> some would like it.  Genre would be another one that pictures could be
> used to scroll through, but again, coming up with the artwork would be
> a challenge.  I wouldn't mind the ability to optionally attach a
> picture to those, or playlists for that matter, though.
I've been pondering on this. How about if it was possible to share a
library of images (from Creative Commons etc), maybe just URLs to the
- Artists would be straightforward (but probably the hardest to
- For Years; how about a significant event from that year ('69:
Armstrong on the moon; '89: Berlin Wall dismantling, etc).
- Genres; an instrument that epitomises that genre (could get messy
with subgenres - Jazz Rock Fusion anyone?)

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