
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
           simbo<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree it needs to be more scaleable if it becomes a real project, and
> I think your approach is the best way to achieve that. In the meantime,
> you could try increasing the SocketDelay value (try 200+) in config.ini
> to see if that helps. If not, please could you PM me the error (just out
> of curiosity)?

I'm not sure that SocketDelay would help, and to be honest I'm not too
concerned just yet as it's obviously a quick Proof of Concept and not a
final release. Not sure I could get the error, but given my knowledge of the
CLI it looked like the remainder of a response asking for albums.

I suspect you gave it a buffer, and the response was actually longer than
that, which got your parsing code confused as it tried to process the result
of the next 'read' from the socket.

> Could be related to above. I'll probably add some diagnostic stuff to
> root out these issues.

Quite possibly. I think I dropped the album count down to something more
sensible (200 if memory serves) so that I could have a play with the rest of
the stuff without running into problems retrieving the album list.

> Full screen would be a necessity for the 10ft UI to work. I only
> disabled it in the PoC so I wouldn't have to code resizing and
> positioning procedures! :-)


> Thanks, I had a few issues with IP packet management via the CLI (which
> probably explains your first issue and is why the SocketDelay hack
> exists). If I develop this further I might come back to you to see what
> you did.

No problem. Basically (if memory serves) you can tell the CLI commands how
many results you want them to return, and at what 'offset' to start
returning results from. I set this to something relatively small so that I
didn't run into any issue with split responses.

First of all, I did:

info total albums ?

to retrieve the number of albums in the system, then kept doing:

albums 0 10 tags:lyjiqwa
albums 10 10 tags:lyjiqwa
albums 20 10 tags:lyjiqwa

until I'd retrieved them all.

Bet of luck, definitely interested to see how this progresses. Any chance of
a PDA version? :D


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