epoch1970;477290 Wrote: 
> I agree this part of the setup instructions is perhaps not clear enough.
> What happened was exactly what was expected: a simulated shutdown
> command, which requires all the privileges or an actual shutdown, was
> successfully launched. Exverything was perfectly ok.
> This mode of shutdown exists mostly to allow admins to scare users out
> of servers, so that they can, for example, restart or upgrade a service.
> It doesn't seem to make much sense in a single user / Desktop
> configuration. srvPowerControl makes a clever use of it.
> I don't know what would be best: change (once again ?) this paragraph
> of the setup instructions, or have a wrap-up script launch the command,
> catch the output and return "all good" or "boo-boo".
What I haven't figured out here is how to catch the "boo-boo".  If the
permissions haven't been set right, presumably, the script hangs out
there in a suspended mode while sudo is waiting for a password that it
will never receive...and the user will have no visual indication that
anything has gone awry.  The default time-out for sudo is pretty long, I
believe...on the order of 4 minutes or so.  That's why I included the
instruction to perform "fake shutdown" test in a terminal window.  It
will show you immediately if the permissions are right or wrong.

But at the very least, I will update the help file to better explain
what the test should do and what it's intended to show.

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