guiness;499346 Wrote: 
> Is there an ideal or recommended suite of power settings I should use
> given my server is also my main computer and SBS is always running when
> the machine is on?

After just having seen Morgan Freeman's portrayal of Nelson Mandela in
"Invictus", I'm tempted to answer, "Yes, but the ideal always involves
some kind of accommodation to to competing interests."

Let's discuss the general problem first.  Since my own practice is to
run a low-power dedicated headless server for SqueezeCenter / Squeezebox
Server, I don't have a generic template to offer you at the moment. 
But, as you are hardly alone in needing this, I'm motivated to give this
some thought.

There are two problems here: if you use the operating system's power
saving facilities, that accommodates your needs as a user on your
machine.  However, it doesn't accommodate SBS's needs.  SBS's
windows-only PreventStandby plugin is supposed to solve this problem on
that platform.  But we've seen one report here that it doesn't seem to
be working with Windows 7.

If you turn off your OS's power saving stuff and start using
SrvrPowerCtrl to control power states, that accommodates SBS, but not
your needs as a user on your machine.  SrvrPowerCtrl will merrily put
your machine into standby right when you're in the middle of crafting
that perfect, Pulitzer-winning sentence or just as you're about to
execute that fortune-making options trade.  Not good.

I've made a stab at splitting the difference by providing a "not-idle"
script execution mechanism in SrvrPowerCtrl.  But the few folks using it
seem to have problems with it, so perhaps my implementation is flaky. 
On OS X, I've also tried going the other way by providing scripts that
block SrvrPowerCtrl's actions while the user is logged in.  But, again,
that seems like a half-measure to me.

An approach that seems closer to the "ideal" to me would be to beef up
the PreventStandby plugin so that it (really) works with Windows, OS X
and Linux.  I suggested some modifications that made it into the
PreventStandby a year ago that keep a Windows-based SBS server awake
after 2 minutes following a WOL.  This had been an intermittent problem
with some windows machines.

So, perhaps it's time for me to dust off the ReallyPreventStandby code
and make it generic for all OSs.  Once I get something that is working,
I'll most likely remove the "not-idle" execution support from

And to directly answer your question: Yes, there is an ideal, but it
lies in the future.  If you don't mind, I'll PM you and post here when I
have recommendations and code for you to try out.

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