HI There

I recently purchased ipeng for my iPhone 3G after reading all the great

I have a Squeezebox Duet setup with my Netgear ReadyNAS Duo running
slimserver/squeezecentre software

ipeng can find the server just fine but is having major issues
downloading my modest database of say 400 albums

it takes forever to load artists, then say I select various artists, it
would take ten minutes to load those albums (no artwork ever appears)

Then if I go back to artists list, then back to various artists it has
not rememberered any of the albums and takes another 10 mins to load

this behaviour is exhibited for each artist

Essentially ipeng is currently completely unuseable to me

Is this a known bug? I have done heaps of searching and can find
nothing on this issue... and hardly anything on using ipeng with a
netgear readynas

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I had hi hopes
for ipeng and so far it's caused me nothing but frustration

oh, and I have all the latest firmware and squeezecentre software etc



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