indifference_engine;555564 Wrote: 
> It's easy (when you know how!).  The device is a Sony and has 15 bits
> with no pre-data so it is using the SIRC-15 protocol.  SIRC-15 has 7
> device bits and 8 command bits making for a maximum of 127 devices with
> 255 commands per device.  SIRC sends the codes lsb first whereas LIRC
> sends them msb first (unless the REVERSE flag is present, which it
> isn't in your case).  This means we must convert the LIRC hex-codes
> into 15 bit binary, reverse the order of the bits, split the binary
> code into 7 device bits and 8 command bits and then convert those two
> binary numbers into decimal to see what the real device and command
> codes are.  Once that's done we fill in the gaps and reverse the entire
> process to give the missing codes.
> Your LIRC file has 2 device codes (24 & 88) so there is a maximum of
> 510 codes that your amp could be using.  I would create a <menu> with
> each command in it and then work down it to see if any work.  You can
> probably script the xml for the menu to avoid having to type it all
> out.  The complete list of possible codes for the amp is attached (just
> paste them into the 'begin codes...end codes' section of the lirc file.
Nautilus;555837 Wrote: 
> Thank you very much :) I shall be trying this out asap...

Hi again. The range of codes was certainly correct, there were numerous
codes that worked which were not on the original lirc file. However, I
guess I now have to believe that Sony has not packed in a remote code
for selecting A/B speakers :( But the main thing is that I can now stop
wondering about if there would've been as all the codes have been tested
out... :)

I also got to test the limits of how many ir commands can be under the
menu strucure. 510 commands did send the SBS into a re-start loop,
perhaps some memory issue with the controller. A menu of 100 commands
then again worked just fine and I guess that should be plenty for the
majority of users...:)

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