vagskal;563500 Wrote: 
> Almost 24 hrs and the web UI still reports that the CustomTag scan is
> running (and yes I have refreshed the page). Nothing new regarding
> CustomScan in the server.log (and I double checked that information
> level logging is enabled for CustomScan). Mysql and SqueezeSvr shows
> low activity, 1-2% CPU use respectively.
Assuming Custom Scan only runs Rating Tag and Custom Tag scanning
module this seems like a disk access problem. Are the music files
stored on a local hard drive or on a NAS or something similar where the
network could cause performance problem when accessing the files ?

If you are using some of the other scanning modules, like MusicIP
import/export or LastFM or Amarok import/export they might slow down
the scanning, you should be able to see on the status in the Custom
Scan settings page which scanners are actually running. LastFM scanning
module is intentionally slowed down to comply with the LastFM license
which only allows a specific number of calls per second. The same
situation also exists with the Amazon scanning module which no longer
is part of the latest Custom Scan distribution due to Amazon API

The info level logging intentionally doesn't long much during the
scanning, it just logs stuff when the scanner changes phase, for
example when it does the refresh, delete old data and similar stuff.
The reason is to avoid huge log files, if you want more logging and
want to see what's going on, you can temporarily enable debug level
logging on "plugin.customscan" and look in the log files, you should
then be able to see if it's scanning tracks or doing something else. 
Note that debug level logging will result in large log files, so just
have it enabled during a short time. You can change the logging while
it's scanning, you don't have to interrupt the scanning for it to take

vagskal;563500 Wrote: 
> There must be something wrong. This is way slower than on the old PC
> which was less powerful. Any ideas?
Just out of interest, have you tried doing the MySQL optimizations
mentioned in the following thread, it feels like it should have huge
effect on the performance in a large library like yours.

Another thing to look at is the memory consumption on the computer,
maybe it's running out of primary memory and is using the swap file ?
Although, it feels like this should result in higher CPU usage than

Is there some other process taking up all CPU ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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