Morbeas wrote: 
> The problem isn't Aretha Franklin being selected in a mix where the seed
> song is Blind Melon though.  It's Aretha Franklin appearing in a mix
> where Metallica is the seed.  I think that's quite clear by now.

If I remember correctly, SugarCube adds one track at the time and use
the previous one to seed the next one.

So, if you get a SugarCube playlist as this (which you posted recently):
- Ride the Lightning by Metallica
- Caught In a Mosh by Anthrax
- Stop by Death Angel
- Row Of Crows by Chris Poland
- The Curse by King Diamond
- Dancing On The Edge by Badlands
- It Ain't Like That by Alice In Chains
- Deserted by Blind Melon
- The House That Jacks Buit by Aretha Franklin

SugarCube only uses Metallica for seeding "Caught In a Mosh" by Antrax.
And "Caught In a Mosh" is used for seeding "Stop", and "Stop" is using
for seeding "Row of Crows" and so on ending with "The House That Jacks
Buit" being seeded based on "Deserted" by Blind Melon.

However, this is how it worked a long time ago when I used SugarCube
myself last, this might have changed in the recent version so SugarCube
uses the same seed track for multiple tracks and in that case the
current behavior looks a bit strange.

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