danco wrote: 
> ... What I do not understand is why, after WOL has woken up a Mac, it
> would ever go to sleep before the idle period as set in Energy Saver.
But that is not what happens with Mountain Lion. As I have explained in
several posts.  The idle period is only applied after interactive use.
Once that has expired a WOL does not keep ML awake foranother idle
period. This is why we are trying to find a solution.

As I have also said before I think Apple have it right with ML. It is
now up to developers to use the tools properly, (And I do know about
legacy programs which will not be fixed but caffeinate and a
corresponding GUI will provide a solution for that.) Caffeinate is fine
for interactive use when the Mac is already awake, directly, or
indirectly from scripts, but to call after WOL will give us race
conditions in my view.

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