jdwek wrote: 
> I am not at all a computer person so I doubt if this will help.  I did
> happen to notice this on a different forum and wondered if it might be
> useful.  It is a caffeinate command that targets the specific program
> SABnzbd specifically.  Could not we do the same thing with LMS?
> caffeinate -i /Applications/SABnzbd.app/Contents/MacOS/SABnzbd &

Thanks jdwek but no. LMS runs continuously as a service. It is not run
as a command as and when you want to play some music. The S in LMS
stands for Server.

The usage of caffeinate in the example you found will prevent idle
timeouts for as long as SABnzbd runs. The & at the end of the command
means that caffeinate will do its work on SABnzbd "in the background" -
effectively meaning that the terminal command prompt will come back to
you straight away. Run the ps command then and you should see caffeinate
listed among your running processes. Type pmset -g to see that
caffeinate has turned off the idle timeout. The command fg will bring
caffeinate back into the foreground - you could then terminate it, and
the SABnzbd it has started, by typing ctrl C to interrupt it.

LMS should not require a great deal of computer background to use when
it works - it has failed as a product if it does. But unfortunately when
it goes wrong those who have the background seem to have to get involved
as Logitech often seem very slow to pick these things up themselves.
There is a priority system for dealing with bugs - hence my plea for
people to vote. Many thanks for doing so.

As caffeinate is likely to be used for other things apart from my test
fix, please see my next post regarding my steps for getting
ReallyPreventStandby to (mostly) work.

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