In order to get an artist picture, just open

However, how would I check that the imageproxy variant is available - if

q'n'd: do an initial request for some random artist. If the request fails, then the handler is not available. This required LMS 7.8.

Please not that the first time you fire up that page, load time can be
awful, as the plugin will have to look up every single artist in your
collection. But results are cached in LMS, therefore subsequent page
loads should be much faster, even when accessing the page from another

Is this still true (it seems now this is handled in the scan phase)? If

No, if you decide to use the scanner and let it run, then the page load time should be similar to the albums list.

the artist's image is not available due to the scan phase being
disabled, will only the one for
http://yourserver:9000/imageproxy/mai/artist/[artist_id] be fetched on

"Only" as in where not? That call would still work, but it will be considerably slower the first time, as the plugin will have to look up results online.


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