mherger wrote: 
> You can disable the lookup and pre-caching in the plugin's settings.
> But
> it doesn't use local artwork for artists yet. I first have to figure
> out
> what strategy to use. Any input is welcome.
> Now if you can tell me how LMS should find that matching artist.jpg in a
> timely manner, that would be great. But "add an artist.jpg to the mix" 
> won't do it. Where will it be stored? In the artist's own folder (only 
> works if the folder structure is set up this way)? In album A by the  
> artist? Any album? Which one?
> As mentioned in reply to jjzolx you can disable the scanning task. But 
> browsing artists will be painfully slow. I'll probably add another
> option  
> to not show artwork there at all.
> Michael

First off, we are dealing with Local Music. 

We don't have an Artist until we have a Track with an artist tag.

Tracks are usually organised into Albums of a single artist but can be
in an album of multiple artists (in the case of a compilation or Various
Artists album). There can be many albums for an artist.

I suggest a simple rule for building the browse by artist images:
If Scan Artist Image option is yes, then when a new artist is
encountered, scanner stores the first artist.jpg found where artist.jpg
is in the album folder just like cover.jpg . 
When there are no more new artists,  if no artist.jpg exists for an
artist then lookup lastFM or whatever you do now. 
In other words, building the table of artist images is two phase, the
first phase is getting artist.jpg from the local files, the second phase
looking up and storing images from the web

When browsing from a track's or album's context menu then try for
artist.jpg in the current (track's) folder and if not found get the
image stored by the scanner.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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