Having an interesting Triode Spotify problem.

I've got LMS running at my home.  Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 -
1414759442 @ Sun Nov 2 04:04:50 CUT 2014

I am able to play Spotify at home via my Squeezeplug just fine.

I have a Squeezebox Duet at work.  I have it setup so it accesses my
server via my home Internet connection's public IP.  I'm able to play
(at work) MP3 files loaded on my LMS at home, and I'm able to stream
Pandora to work as well.

But when I try to play Spotify stuff it plays for a while then stops. 
In my helper log I see:

[21:36:18.072] main:1620 Now playing: Take Me To Church
[21:37:04.104] main:619 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[21:37:04.104] main:1574 relogin requested
[21:37:04.104] main:1603 resetting streambuf
[21:37:04.104] log_message:81 log: 03:37:04.104 I
Presence: A track was played
[21:37:06.197] logged_out:61 logged out
[21:39:49.010] main:619 req: prefetch.json res:
spotify:track:7dS5EaCoMnN7DzlpT6aRn2 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[21:39:49.010] main:702 relogging in as user: [removed]
[21:39:49.010] credentials_blob_updated:119 credentials blob updated
[21:39:49.041] log_message:81 log: 03:39:49.041 I [ap:1752] Connecting
to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
[21:39:49.135] log_message:81 log: 03:39:49.135 I [ap:1226] Connected to
[21:39:49.900] log_message:81 log: 03:39:49.900 E
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed
[21:39:50.010] main:985 prefetching track: No error
[21:39:50.010] credentials_blob_updated:119 credentials blob updated
[21:39:50.010] metadata_updated:86 new meta
[21:39:50.447] metadata_updated:86 new meta
[21:40:00.010] log_message:81 log: 03:40:00.010 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0
files are locked. 0 images are locked
[21:40:00.010] log_message:81 log: 03:40:00.010 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0
files unlocked. 0 images unlocked

I can actually stream Spotify to my player at work over a VPN, but I'd
like to not run music over the VPN as the VPN ads a lot of overhead
(old, slow routers).

Any ideas?

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