I use Shairtunes 2 on a Linux/Daphile LMS. It's rather closed system and
in fact it's my only option.
Upgrading from 0.12 to 0.17 was real success

I use it everyday now, it's very stable !
When used in part of a multiroom it's also quite good. It's not perfect
yet but I can easily keep everything synced for 1h or 2h. Very
consistent results with a clean sync (until it goes out of sync :p )

I do have few bugs:
- I have to manually disconnect devices from AirPlay and keep only one
device connected at a time. If I don't do that every devices stay
somehow connected (I know it's weird) and it leads to instability.
- With few apps (like YouTube on iPhone and iPad) I can connect to
AirPlay but there's no sound. I have to manually go to the Daphile webUI
and press play to receive sound.

That said, thank you very much. It's a very important feature that
finally work.
Very excited by this plugin development

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