Hi wt0,

I'm trying to use the app in my daughter's bedroom - they key point
there being that I'd like it to be plugged in and out of reach and just
available as and when required.

I've configured it, and it runs perfectly when connected, but if for any
reason the server goes down for any length of time (something quite
likely, as it's running on a PC that's not on 24x7), it often refuses to
reconnect. I've set it to auto connect on start, and also set the max
retries to infinite, but it seems to give up after a while and will only
connect if I manually press the connect button. 

The infinite retries does seem to work for a while i.e. if I reboot the
server, I can see it repeatedly failing to connect, and then eventually
reconnecting, but if the server's down for longer periods (e.g.
overnight, as when it is off), when I go back to the app, the "connect"
button's green again and it's given up trying. When I do press it, it
connects just fine.

I've noticed the same behavior on both a Galaxy S3, and a Nexus 7 - it's
consistent. I did wonder if perhaps Android was stopping the app, so I
even set up a llama profile to automatically restart the app every 5
minutes - but that didn't seem to work either. I've also been running
the app in the foreground (i.e. with Launch in Background disabled).

Do you have any tips for completely unattended operation and automatic
connection when the server's available?


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