
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 11:58:14AM -0600, fedora fedora wrote:
> I still see all flow records having the same number "4294967295" in my mysql
> table, and debug does not seem to tell me why this happens.

How do you mean? You see that number appearing in the debug? As writing
to the database is done through a library (MySQL client library), I'm
trying to establish what is generating the issue. Can you also say what
version of MySQL you are using, which OS and which architecture you are
running pmacct on?

> And I have another question about the "sql_history", what exactly is this? I
> have read the "configuration keys" several time but I am still not sure. If
> I set it to 5m, does it mean pmacct will hold and count the data internally
> until the end of the 5 minutes then send the final statistic to mysql?

It means you have 5 minutes traffic counters (temporal aggregation). The
SQL cache scanner sets how often you write to the database. You can have
a sql_history set to 5 minutes but have the SQL scanner to kick in every
minute (sql_refresh_time: 60). There are more advanced considerations to
do at this propo - which are useless to start with and that you can read
of in CONFIG-KEYS, sql_dont_try_update feature. Overall, best is to start
blank with relevant sections of the sql/README.mysql and EXAMPLES documents
in the distribution tarball - and then complicate things bit by bit.

Btw, sql_history_roundoff is also a very useful directive to be coupled
almost always with sql_history, for example:

 sql_history: 5m
 sql_history_roundoff: h

It nicely aligns the time bins to the hour boundary. Again, perhaps give
it a try to see the effect.


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