On 04/25/2011 08:09 PM, Karl Williamson wrote:
> On 04/23/2011 11:53 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
>> On Apr 23, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Karl Williamson wrote:
>>> I was thinking that PseudoPod implemented most of what might be
>>> needed, and so why not ship that.
>>> Its table spec looks quite simple, and perhaps sufficient.
>> +1
> However, in thinking about this some more, I think we need to be able to
> at least specify centered column headings, and spans.  This is easily
> done with html and tbl.

How about adding some modifiers to the PseudoPod tags, such as:

=row center

=row right

=cell span 2

Worth thinking through the desired characteristics. It'll have to be a
bit of "least common denominator", since we don't want to give people
the idea that they can build hugely complicated table specifications in
Pod when there's no way to represent them in the various output formats.

For HTML output, I tend to create a stylesheet that does all the fancy
display work on the tables. (The generated HTML pages do a very
tolerable impression of the O'Reilly printed table format.)

We also need to remember LaTeX and DocBook XML as common table output


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