On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 10:07:46PM -0600, Karl Williamson wrote:
> On 04/26/2011 10:51 AM, Allison Randal wrote:
> >
> >How about adding some modifiers to the PseudoPod tags, such as:
> >
> >=row center
> >
> >=row right
> I'm thinking this would mean that the first column in the first row 
> would be centered, and the first column in the second row would be right 
> justified, and any other columns would have the default?  Is that 
> correct?  Thus for three columns, one could say
> =row center left left
> >
> >=cell span 2
> I would think that it would be better to put the span info on the =row 
> tag because the =cell tag already accepts text after it, and it is 
> sufficient to put it on the row tag, like this:
> =row center left span 2
> denotes three columns, with the final 2 merged.

This is an interesting approach.  However, I think it would be difficult to
edit tables, especially if one wants to move cells around within a table,
because settings that belong to a specific cell would not be placed with
the cell.

Putting the modifiers on the =cell tag would be much better, except that,
as Karl points out, the text following the =cell tag already has meaning as
the contents of the cell.

Perhaps a new inline character tag could be used to mark these modifiers?

=cell J<center> J<span 2> This is a wide, centered cell!

(Where J is whichever of the available letters is most appropriate.)


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