One other thing: Mail gateways do a lot of nslookup operations, so make 
sure you run "nscd" (name service cache daemon) and adjust it so it 
caches more than the default number of hosts.  So for example, the one 
section in /etc/nscd.conf dealing with host names might contain 
something like this:

        enable-cache            hosts           yes
        positive-time-to-live   hosts           3600
        negative-time-to-live   hosts           20
        suggested-size          hosts           1213
        check-files             hosts           yes
        persistent              hosts           yes
        shared                  hosts           yes
        max-db-size             hosts           33554432

The suggested size is usually set to "211" as a default.

As to disk I/', I'd definitely run vmstat and iostat to see if the 
values look reasonable.  I'd also run "swapon -s" to make sure you have 
enough swap space, and of course "top" to get a general idea of how your 
systems are running.


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