Penned by Martijn Rijkeboer on 20130316  8:20.50, we have:
| Hi,
| The attached archive is take 3 of an update of sysutils/cfengine to version
| 3.4.2. This version explicitly disables libvirt because when libvirt was
| installed it was build with libvirt.
| I've chosen to disable libvirt because, to my knowledge, OpenBSD can't be
| used as a (production) host for virtual machines. As Jirib suggested, it
| can be used to remote control KVM via libvirtd, but the cfengine way would
| be to install cfengine on the host that runs KVM and not to remote control
| it. So there's no use for libvirt capabilities in cfengine on OpenBSD.
| If there're no further objections, please commit so other people can also
| start testing it.
| Kind regards,
| Martijn Rijkeboer

As I pointed out to the libvirt maintainer, libvirt should be enabled to use
the qemu engine that does work on OpenBSD.

Sure it is slower than real hardware, and because of this it makes little sense
to use for more than testing, but personally I find having a test network of
qemu instances useful to bring up now and then for various testing scenarios.

If libvirtd could make life easier for this, why would cfengine not be able to
help making sure the virtual network is virtually easy to maintain?

Point being, if it costs us nothing to enable libvirt support, why would we
disable it?

Todd Fries ..

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