On 2019/04/05 06:44, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:
> Could you please explain the logic behind this as I am confused. Is this due
> to an inefficient process, technical limitation, or other reason (lack of
> manpower doesn't qualify as that seems self inflicted by the project)?

You seem to disagree a lot with the way that OpenBSD does things. A
way which, while not perfect, works reasonably well for many of us.

I suspect you'll be happier with some other OS - possibly a "rolling
release" Linux distribution (maybe Arch + community packages) - that is
more in keeping with what you're looking for as it's pretty clear that
the way we operate doesn't work for you.

> Are you somehow tracking submissions to take care of when this unlocked so
> people don't waste their time needing to resubmit them?

No we aren't. As I'm sure you're already aware we don't track them out
of lock either.

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