On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 11:59:31PM +0800, Wouter van Marle wrote:

>> Use a custom transport for these messages with a low concurrency limit,
> You mean like installing sendmail or so in parallel to postfix and then 
> have sendmail send out the lower-priority mails?

No I mean a Postfix "transport", as in transport(5) and master(5).

>> or use traffic shaping in the TCP stack to limit the bandwidth per
>> SMTP connection.
> And how would that get certain mails out with priority? It sounds to me 
> like this would slow down the overall process. I have up to 100 smtp 
> processes running at a time, but as long as new mails end up at the back of 
> the queue still no progress there. They have to come first.

It would not, but you won't saturate the entire link with any given email,
leaving enough room for other traffic. If you can limit the concurrency
of this particular message, then you'll have some bandwidth left over for
other messages.


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