Alex put forth on 11/12/2009 10:09 PM:

> Perhaps the "reject_invalid_helo_hostname" doesn't work with postfix-v1?

Postfix 1.1 was released sometime around Jan 2002. Patch 1.1.13, the
last patch for Postfix 1.1,  was released  July 2003.  So, you're
running 6-7 year old code _at best_, there Alex.  Many solutions people
offer you here possibly won't work because so much has changed.

As a general rule, Postfix versions prior to 2.3 aren't supported here.
 I've seen a few exceptions.  But if you're below 2.0, people might
throw shoes at you, or just ignore you until you upgrade.

If I may ask, why are you still running Postfix 1.x?  Why haven't you


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