Nowhere in this thread did you post any logs.

On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 02:11:50PM +0300, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> I have just set up an Ubuntu 14.04 and installed postfix using
> aptitude install postfix.
> When I send an e-mail (as root) to a gmail account it arrives
> from root@localhost
> I tried to configure it to send as but the
> only way I managed to make it work isn't really right. In 
> /etc/postfix/ I had
>    myorigin = /etc/mailname
> and /etc/mailname had in it but that did not help.
> I tried setting
>     myorigin =
> and tried
>  myorigin = $mydomain
> but I still got the mail from root@localhost.

Yes. My guess (without logs that's all we CAN do, guess) is that 
whatever software which sent this message set that as a sender 
address and From: header.

That guess is consistent with the masquerade_domains report of 

> The only way I could convince it to send from
> was to add
> to the /etc/hosts file. This is not really acceptable as 
> should resolve to another IP address and not to
> this machine.
> Am I doing something incorrectly?

1. Posting here without logs.
2. Posting a general "how do I use email" question here.

> How could I convince postfix to use the content of mydomain
> as the domain name when sending e-mail?

Postfix isn't sending this email, merely transporting it.
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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