On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 6:55 PM, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
> Nowhere in this thread did you post any logs.

So let me show you the real problem, that I need to solve. It seems to
be either a Postfix or a Mailman misconfiguration.
after Ubuntu 12.04 => 14.04 upgrade

I had to reinstall my server that used to run Ubuntu 12.04 and now runs 14.04
Among the pieces that fell apart was mailman handling a bunch of
mailing lists and newsletters.

If I send an e-mail from my Yahoo account to ga...@hostlocal.com  it
gets forwarded to my gmail address, so I think the e-mail delivery of
Postfix works properly.

If I send an e-mail to mail...@hostlocal.com - the message shows up in
the archive but it does NOT gets delivered to the subscribers: I see
this these two lines in /var/log/mail.log

May  8 15:50:28 s8 postfix/smtpd[5603]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
localhost[::1]: 454 4.7.1 <szab...@gmail.com>: Relay access denied;
from=<mailman-boun...@hostlocal.com> to=<szab...@gmail.com>
proto=ESMTP helo=<s8.hostlocal.com>

May  8 15:50:28 s8 postfix/smtpd[5603]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
localhost[::1]: 454 4.7.1 <gabor...@yahoo.com>: Relay access denied;
from=<mailman-boun...@hostlocal.com> to=<gabor...@yahoo.com>
proto=ESMTP helo=<s8.hostlocal.com>

May  8 15:50:28 s8 postfix/smtpd[5603]: disconnect from localhost[::1]

In another mailing list which is an announcement-only list all the
users are moderated,
if I send an e-mail the message enters the moderation queue and the
sender gets a message from the list that my message is pending.
As an administrator I can see the pending message via the web
interface, but I don't get e-mail notification about the pending post.
When I approve the post it does not get delivered and I see similar
error messages as above.


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