On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 05:30:40PM +0200, Antoine Nguyen wrote:

> Thank you for this link but, since it is a new setup, I have no data. I've
> already checked mysql configuration : default character set is utf8, default
> collation is utf8_general_ci and database and tables are using those values.
> Also, it looks like the data inserted by Modoboa (the tool I use to manage
> domains) is encoded using utf8.
> I'm still stuck with this and I don't understand why yet...

Make sure your shell or terminal emulator is not mangling utf-8
input or command-line arguments.  

 * Post your map.cf file content, perhaps that map file restricts
   which lookup keys are passed on to the underlying database.
 * Place the lookup key in a file.
 * Ensure that the file's content is correctly utf-8 encoded.
 * Run:

    postmap -v -q - mysql:... < input-file

Repeat with various values of LANG.  Note that Postfix applies
MySQL string quoting to input arguments, and the MySQL client
confgiration must somehow decide to use UTF-8 encoding for the
query string.


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