On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 14:08, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> Dominic Raferd:
> > > man 5 bounce
> > >
> > >        delay_warning_time_suffix
> > >               Expands into the  value  of  the  delay_warning_time
> > > parameter,
> > >               expressed  in the time unit specified by suffix, which is
> > > one of
> > >               seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
> > >
> > > man 1 postconf
> > >
> > >        -t [template_file]
> > >               Display  the templates for text that appears at the
> > > beginning of
> > >               delivery status notification (DSN) messages,  without
> > > expanding
> > >               $name expressions.
> > >
> > > man 5 bounce
> > >
> > >        To create a customized bounce template file, create a temporary
> > > copy of
> > >        the file /etc/postfix/bounce.cf.default and edit the temporary
> file.
> > >
> > > And so on.
> > >
> > >         Wietse
> > >
> > > postconf -t
> > >
> >
> > Thanks again. I add to main.cf:
> > # match text in delay message to the setting delay_warning_time = 15m
> > delay_warning_time_hours = 0.25
> It goes in the bounce template. Please read "GENERAL PROCEDURE" above.

OK thanks Wietse. But as I don't want to be bothered with a bespoke bounce
template (and the risk that it gets out-dated as/when the default template
changes) I seem to be limited to a minimum delay_warning_time of 1h. If I
try to specify delay_warning_time of less (for example 15m) I get
error/warning messages that AFAIK can only be fully resolved by creating a
bespoke bounce template. It is also causes a fatal 'bad time value or unit'
error if I specify a non-integer value for delay_warning_time.

Has anyone successfully set a delay_warning_time of less than 1 hour (or,
better, less than 30 minutes) without creating a bespoke bounce template?

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