On 2/06/22 10:38 am, raf wrote:
No. Perhaps in the past, but no longer. I grepped for
/etc/postfix/sasl in every file on a debian11 system
and it didn't appear in libsasl2 or anywhere
interesting. It did appear in things like saslfinger
and apparmor rules and the postfix package file list
and augeas-lenses (a config file parser). But nothing
in any libsasl files or postfix files.

Grepping binary files is unreliable. The directory could be composed of multiple strings, could be stored in some way that it doesn't appear as a direct string in the file, could be compressed or even encrypted (not likely but it could be). There's lots of reasons why your grep might not have turned up that string when it is, in fact, compiled in.

The only way to know for sure is to pull the debian sources and look through them. Since I'm not an expert in debian packaging I'll leave that to someone who is.


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