alan sez:

>First, when mail doesn't go out, Powermail shouldn't silently leave it in
>the Out Tray. I suggest that if mail doesn't go out for whatever reason,
>Powermail should put up a dialog saying "Mail failed to send. Queue for
>retry later?" with buttons "OK" "No" and "Retry now".

That's not a bug. It's a feature, and my opinion is that I like it
silently failing. The Out Tray is usually highlighted/bolded afterward,
and that is indicator enough to tell me there is something there awaiting
my attention. ("Silently failing" is kind of a misnomer, as well, since
whenever my PM fails to send something -- at least for server connection
errors and such -- I get the famous "uh oh" sound.)

>It is very unintuitive that
>the way to get your mail to go out is to change the state from "Waiting"
>to "Draft" and then from "Draft" to "Waiting".

I don't have anything waiting at the moment to test, but I'm fairly sure
I right click (control-click) and choose "send" from a pop-up menu. No
need to go to draft mode at all.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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