Don V. Zahniser wrote:

>I am using PM 4.2.1 on Mac OS 9.0.4.  I have tried downloading this
>script several times with 3 different browsers.  When I unstuff the file
>(Stuffit Expander 5.5 or 7.0.3) and try to open it, I get errors.  With
>Script Editor, I get a 'disk error'.  When I use Smile, I get an error -
>39.  Other scripts that I download from this site open without problems.

Scripts saved from the latest ScriptEditor for OS X are data fork script
files; I suppose on OS 9 you can only open resource fork script files.
I'll send you the script as a text file, so you can open it and save it
as a resource fork script file.

>Now - What I really want to do is to move messages (not just the
>attachments) having attachments with specific suffixes to a folder (e.g.
>- Mail Trash or one named 'Spam').

add this line:
move msg to message container "my folder"
before the "tell application "Finder"" line

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

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