Wonderful - the script works like a charm. Thanks a lot for the pointer.
Will move to PM 5 once it's final - testing too many beta versions of
other applications at the moment.

Olaf Druemmer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Wed, 28 Apr 2004 15:40:32 +0100

>The new version of PM (v5, currently available as a beta) lets you do
>this straight from the filter setup box. Under PM 4.x, however, the best
>way is to use the apple script "Remove Listed Attachments", which you can
>download from the PM Applescript archive on Wayne Brissette's invaluable
>I would advise you to set up a filter that acts ALWAYS on incoming
>messages, and which runs the applescript as its 'action'. Note that it's
>easy to edit the script to apply to whichever attachments you like. I
>used the script for ages under PM4, and modified it to suit my needs, and
>I know zip and nada about Applescript (except that it's awfully clever
>and useful and that it's something I should learn if only I had the time,
>which I don't, and could be bothered, which I can't).
>G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode
>Original message:
>Received from Olaf Drümmer on 28/4/04 at 1:20 pm
>>I may be missing the obvious but anyway - here goes my question (I am
>>using PowerMail 4.2.1 together with SpamSieve on OS/X 10.3.2):
>>How can I set up a filter that finds messages that have an executable
>>Windows file attached (e.g. suffix is .com, .exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?
>>It's that virus-spam stuff that keeps flooding (probably not only) my
>>mail box, and SpamSieve is not good at filtering them out. I'd liek to be
>>able to move it my spam folder right away.
>>Olaf Druemmer

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