Mr. Weinmann,

calling this list a source of spam is a serious offense to all list members.
If you can't read the users manual nor search the archive, with all
respect, go somewhere else.
CTM never lacked support, but they won't answer you questions if you can
find the answer in the users manual. That are not support cases that's a
lack of reading ability.


Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 18:10:08 -0400 schrieb/wrote Winston Weinmann:

>With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
>requests. I could copy my past questions here, but that would be
>tedious. I assure you they have all been polite.
>The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
>they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
>within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
>written, but they have not followed through.
>My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
>spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
>those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
>list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.
>The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
>receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
>in its effect. The advantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
>community informed of questions than a forum might.
>However, the "spam" problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
>many people from signing up in the first place.
>If there are relatively few questions and responses to a mailing list it
>might work for most people. As the number of emails increases it becomes
>unwieldy. Then a forum makes more sense. Also, a forum takes you first
>to the ability to search for answers, rather than posting a question as
>a first step. (Yes, I know there is a PowerMail discussions archive, but
>the email list discourages use of that.)
>- Winston
>The Cat wrote:
>>Charles, dear Mr. Darby,
>>My masters dropped the ball a number of times, but I thank you for
>>pinging me since I have no access to the keyboard otherwise.
>>On a more serious note: yes, it is possible to redirect an HTML message
>>(forwarding will only forward its text portion, since we do not include
>>an HTML editor in the product) and we have not been able to reproduce
>>anything such as the disappearance of an address. 
>>Finally, two comments: one is that Charlie is right, we are thinking of
>>a forum-like format although more for FoxTrot than for PowerMail, since
>>the dynamic and contributions on powermail-discuss are pretty exceptional.
>>The other comment is that I sometimes get discouraged by certain support
>>messages who are repeatedly abrasive, terse or rude in their e-mails.
>>Developers, and their cats, have feelings too (I regret to confess this)...

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