On   Sunday, March 23, 2008,   T.L. Miller   sent forth:

>On 3/23/08, at 9:44 AM, Bill Schjelderup [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>I too have been having a LOT more "quits" with Powermail since 10.5. I
>>too use DefaultFolder, but I'd say 99% of these failures occur during
>>drag events, i.e. when I'm dragging a message to a folder.

Have you tried removing "Default Folder" and retesting?

I have followed all these reports over the years with interest, not only
because software like PowerMail, i.e. apps that perform what is now a
well understood function like e-mail, "should just work" as the mantra
goes.  I am interested also because I've rarely had a problem with the
package and that is with around 7 years of use.  I have used and
continue to use my Mac in a fairly vanilla configuration when it comes
to apps that tweak how the finder or operating system in general
behaves.  I think the clue lies there.

I work in the IT field and one option that suggests itself quite a bit -
at least with Windows systems - is that of starting over and layering on
the software cleanly and testing after each addition.  Apps such as
DefaultFolder should be checked quite thoroughly in such testing given
what they do.  I have a case right now between IBM's "Via Voice" and a
host of apps on a client's eMac.  I can't prove it outright until I
remove the app and if necessary go through the above procedure.
Certainly the logs suggest that it is at least partly to blame.

Once you've managed to isolate the guilty apps, I would think that you
have a choice to make, at least until the companies in question can get
their act together.  What do you need to do your job / live your life /
whatever?  Neither CTMDEV nor Apple is responsible for anything other
than their own stuff, beyond certain obvious assumptions of stability in
the recommended vanilla environment.

Just my 2 cents.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMac    OS 10.4.11    PowerMail 5.6.1     1 GB RAM     250 GB HD

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