on Sat, Jan 16, 2010 PowerMail discussions may have said:

>I've been a Powermail fan for years, but I'm getting impatient for some

I an agree with that, there are several things I'd like to see improve;
my list:

1. Larger than 2GB archive sizes (I have two suggestions: a) a way to
create folders that use separate DBs, and/or a DB per email account

2. An option to turn off the double-click to open a URL (ie, default to
OS standard of selecting a word)

3. Ability to auto-sync to a network backup. (ie, instead of moving my
db around on a thumb drive, sync my laptop and desktop to a backup of
the db on a server)

4. Fix the problem where if you select 100 messages and hit "reply" by
mistake (the shortcut key is right next to "mark as read"), PM opens a
reply email to all of those selected messages. (Does anybody ever
actually select 3 or more emails and click Reply to reply to them all?)

5. Connection issues; give meaningful error messages to they can be
diagnosed and repaired

6. UI responsiveness & threading - too many actions, esp. checking email
w/a lot of accounts, cause the entire app to 'pause' for long periods
(10-20 seconds).

7. Better interaction with OS features (calendar, contacts, etc). For
instance, it would be nice to render iCal

z. Cleanup wasted pixel space (low priority, and difficult to do w/good
aesthetics but more pixels is more text is better, imo)

>1. .ics files can't update Calendar.

Works for me, this is actually a OS thing, PM is just telling the system
to open the file; whatever application is assigned to that filename
suffix with handle it. (Don't get me started on losing one of the best
features of Mac OS X w/the loss of creator id's in SL!)

>2. Links inside html emails do not open in many cases.

I seem to recall a few instances when this didn't work, but not any time
recently and not in any that I could find to test today. However, a
double-click should _not_ by default open a url, double-clicks are for
selecting words! (a pet annoyance of mine as I have to select words that
are part of a url multiple times per day)

>3. Emails with inline pictures do not display the pictures inline - they
>only appear as attachments.

Obviously, it would be good on occasion to see properly rendered html
emails, but I never have an issue with this when I click the "Show HTML"
button. Maybe you don't have the html option turned on?

>If you want to have the option of turning that off, fine. At least give
>me the option to view it properly.
>PS. What is the danger in displaying inline images?

Well, for one they are almost always used as a way to track you. Having
them on means that any spam email you click on will let the spammer know
that you read their email, making your email address much more valuable
(ie, you will get more spam).

Also, HTML email is very dangerous for another reason - it makes it
extremely easy for crooks to fake URLs (ie, what the user sees as the
url is http://www.bofa.com but the actual url is http://iownzu.com);
HTML email makes it much easier to lure people into going to a website
that will infect their computer, put in tracking cookies, pretend to be
your bank asking for information to confirm security, etc.

I'll put it this way - my 3rd filter in PM is "if email has HTML part,
mark as spam and move to trash"

Lane Roathe, CEO
Ideas From the Deep, llc          <http://www.ideasfromthedeep.com>
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