On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 07:32:04AM -0500, Pat Double wrote:
> On Monday 28 August 2006 04:02, Stefan Seyfried wrote:
> > This style is pretty common, e.g. in udev's firmware.sh, so i'd suppose
> > it should work.
> >
> > Havong a closer look, the powersave-style with
> > [$progname][$pid]
> > is rather uncommon anyway, so we should probably change it to
> > $progname[$pid]
> > as everybody else does. If it additionally helps metalog, even better.
> If I try with $prognam[$pid] the "[$pid]" is missing, looks like metalog is 
> removing anything in square braces. Odd.

Hm. This sounds like a bug in metalog :-)
Lots of daemons log this style, but they are not doing it with logger i 
suppose ;-)

If there is no solution from the metalog side, we can include the workaround
of removing the braces, but you will get into trouble with other stuff
(firmware.sh) sooner or later.

> > Do the daemon messages work for you? For example restarting HAL gives me
> > the following:
> >     Aug 27 10:43:40 susi [powersave]: WARNING (filter_function:208) Hal
> > service stopped. Battery information no longer available Maybe those are
> > also broken with metalog (and hence the braces should also be removed from
> > the daemons messages?
> I've never seen daemon messages in the log. I don't believe they are working 
> either.

Well, changing DEBUG to 31 in /etc/powersave/common and restarting the daemon
should tell you immediately :-) Just make sure to stop it quickly to avoid
filling up /var :-)
Stefan Seyfried                     | "Please, just tell people
QA / R&D Team Mobile Devices        |               to use KDE."
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nürnberg  |          -- Linus Torvalds
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