I'd be interested to know what the state of the literature is on VPLs, especially in comparison against text languages. I haven't been able to find a recent survey, any recommendations?

Excellent introductory visual languages are Scratch (http://scratch.mid.edu), Alice (http://www.alice.org/) and StarLogo TNG (http://education.mit.edu/projects/starlogo-tng). They are describer in several papers (mainly by ACM).

If you don't find references I can send them to you.


Citando Dan Stowell <dan.stow...@eecs.qmul.ac.uk>:


I'm fairly new to the PP literature. Thomas's self-promotion led me to his interesting 1996 paper on visual programming languages. "Overall, we believe that in many respects VPLs offer substantial gains over conventional textual languages, but at present their HCI aspects are still under-developed. Improvements in secondary notation, in editing, and in searching will greatly raise their overall usability."

As someone who does a lot of work in textual languages - in particular, livecoding - I'd be interested to know what the state of the literature is on VPLs, especially in comparison against text languages. I haven't been able to find a recent survey, any recommendations?

(Also, as someone who has had RSI, I wonder about the accessibility of VPLs via purely keyboard control...)


On 01/03/2011 17:32, Thomas Green wrote:
Er, a spot of self-promotion here ..... the various types of comparison
I did in the past led to a framework which attempts to make some sense
of the underlying trade-offs, the cognitive dimensions framework,
developed by me and lots of other people. Stefano, if you simply want to
know whether your new tool works, then you probably just need to do an
experiment and stop; but if you want to know why it works (or doesn't),
you might take a look at that framework. There's a resources page here:

CDs analysis is quite quick, though very vague. It's actually quite
possible that it would reveal problems you've overlooked .....


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Dan Stowell
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Centre for Digital Music
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS

Stefano Federici
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Dipartimento di Scienze Pedagogiche e Filosofiche
Via Is Mirrionis 1, 09123 Cagliari, Italia
Cell: +39 349 818 1955 Tel.: +39 070 675 7815
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