This is a subject that interests me greatly, and I'm keen to hear people's
views on it.

My perspective is that of a working software developer (albeit with a
background in psychology), not an academic. I have no experience of ML, and
have worked only a little with functional languages.

I was a little taken aback by this line in the original post:

> Why can't I see the structure in a 3000-line module, or even
> a 1000-line module?

To me, a 1000-line module is a God Class. A 3000-line module is a complete

Accepted best practice is that a file too big to view on your screen is too
long. Optimum file size is probably under 30 lines.

Of course, "best practice" is not the same thing as reality. I sometimes
work with files 10,000 lines long. In those circumstances, you spend entire
days figuring out the implications of one small change. Your mind ends up

I don't have any exact answers as to _why_ this should be. I strongly
suspect it relates to limitations of working memory.

Chunking strategies, allowing an entire module to be thought of as 7+/-2
concepts, will certainly help. Though only coupled with IDEs which allow
you to keep those concepts on screen simultaneously (because: out-of-sight

Even then, I struggle to conceive of a case where a 1,000 line file could
be broken down into 7 clear, comprehensible concepts.

Dan Sumption

On 28 April 2016 at 07:26, Richard A. O'Keefe <> wrote:

> On 28/04/16 6:15 PM, Gergely Buday wrote:
>> Then I suggest to look at
> Please.  Don't try to teach your grandfather to suck eggs.
> I've had mlton on my machines since the first release came out.
> What part of that web page do you think has ANY RELEVANCE
> WHATEVER to what I'm talking about?  Is it the "ann" entries?
> Those annotations are for the *compiler*, not for *people*.
> "Annotations allow a library author to control options that affect
> the elaboration of SML source files."
>> About relations: you look for some specification language, when you state
>> the governing rules of the methods to each other. That brings program
>> verification of some sort.
> Yes, but if you know of such a specification language, please tell me where
> to find it.  While I think program verification in general is interesting,
> that's
> not what this project is about.  It's all about making it easier for people
> (me, of course, but I don't mind if others are helped (:-)) to understand.
> "Governing rules" aren't what it's about.  It's *relationships* like
> "<this> is a special case of <that> for <reason>", or
> "<that> breaks <something> up and <this> reconstitutes it".
>> Or, some literate programming you strive for, but Real Programmers are
>> reluctant to do that.
> I've addressed that in another reply.  Literate programming is great, but
> what
> use is something people don't use?  And literate programming makes modules
> even *bigger* and *more* in need of structural annotation.
> --
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