On 29/04/16 7:47 PM, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:

There are already tools experimenting with such ways of structuring code. For example, Eclipse has Mylyn which can provide a filtered view of the code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Task-focused_interface), hiding aspects that are currently irrelevant. CodeBubbles (http://cs.brown.edu/~spr/codebubbles/ <http://cs.brown.edu/%7Espr/codebubbles/>) tries a non-linear editing experience where you can see dependencies explicitly.

I had a fairly brief look at CodeBubbles. The set-up guide calls it "alpha" and "version 0.50" and has a copyright date of 2010. The codebubbles Wiki doesn't seem to have been updated for quite a few years. It may be that CodeBubbles itself is more up to date, but it's a bit worrying when the documentation isn't. I am deeply unhappy about anything that requires Eclipse. I have no trouble with Xcode or NetBeans, but find trying to get even Hello World going dauntingly complex in Eclipse. I also read through the tutorial, and saw very little that I wasn't already familiar with in Smalltalk. The tutorial says that it shows relationships
"between BUBBLES" and refers to "CALLS".

For what it's worth, Smalltalk is precisely where my "why can't I see the structure" journey started and what the annotations I've been working on were developed for. Let's face it,
an IDE cannot display information it has not been told about.

Can you explain what relationships CodeBubbles displays?

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