On 2/4/13 12:15 PM, Ken Kixmoeller (ProFox) wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Paul McNett <p...@ulmcnett.com> wrote:
>> > Eclipse or Visual
>> > Studio extremely difficult to use, and my productivity would tank.
>> >
> Gee, I found Eclipse to be incredibly daunting, too. Too much so for me to
> bother with. I thought it was just another example of the deterioration of
> the stuff between my ears, since "everybody" (not here) seemed to rave
> about it.
> Nice to know that you (obviously with no such deterioration) found it that
> way, too.

I suspect there are probably some nice things I'm missing by not using an IDE, 
but I
haven't tried an IDE yet that didn't annoy me in some way. Like you, I think 
this is
some deficiency in me, not in the IDE, since so many people find so much 
success with

To be productive, I must have a streamlined workflow and not get derailed by 
but my code. My toolchain works for me:

+ git or subversion
+ linux
+ python
+ vim with Python syntax coloring
+ xterm, many opened at once for editing and testing
+ all the useful *nix utilities like grep and sed
+ dabo
+ a laptop computer with no external devices so I can work anywhere.
+ LibreOffice for opening the xlsx and docx files people send me.
+ Windows via a virtual machine for testing and deploying to 99% of my users.

Those last two items are 99% of what annoys me about my setup.

The main thing that I've stuck to doing, even though it takes more time 
upfront, is
hand-coding my GUI instead of using any kind of visual designer. This has gotten
easier and still doesn't seem very tedious, as long as I divide and group 
things together in their own panels and then put the panels together on the form
later - if I tried designing a whole complex form by hand I'd probably go out 
of my mind.

The one visual design tool that I use, I made myself: Dabo's Report Designer. It
isn't polished like I wish it were, but it does work for 100% of my use cases 
so far
(when it doesn't, I fix it). Even then, for already-designed reports, there's a 
chance I'll just open it in vim and edit the xml directly, since that is more
straightforward and I can usually get the edits done in the time it takes the 
to open in the designer.

Your mileage will vary.


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