Try to work completely through the telnet test and send yourself an email "Hello World" and see what happens. And yeah, I'm very aware of what a pain in the butt sending email via telnet little typo and you have to start over.

Okay. So after following the same Telnet steps I do:


550 verification failed for <>
550 mailbox quota exceeded
550 sender verify failed

My provider seems to indicate that after accepting the rcpt to: command he issues his callback to, and if this generates something other than 250, he sends 550 back to me. He further explains that quota exceeded is a "temporary error" in the 400 range, and that if his callback returns a number in the 400 range he will issue 550 back to me.

So now I'm reading the (painful) SMTP return code reference. There does seem to be general agreement on the range of available return codes, but somewhat less than general agreement on what they mean.

There doesn't seem to be a 400-range error specifically for "mailbox quota exceeded". The closest one is in RFC 2821 is 452 - "Requested action not taken - insufficient system storage"; that is, according to one more detailed reference ( there is insufficient disk space at the host for, which may mean that the entire host server is full, or all of the space allocated for my domain is full, or just that my mailbox is full. Or it may mean that the SMTP server is out of memory, or that its limit on concurrent connections has been reached.

This would not seem to be a clear indication that my account is valid; it only would appear to demonstrate that my domain is valid.

However, there is also 552, for which the RFC 2821 legend is "Requested mail actions aborted - exceeded storage allocation". The above-cited reference PDF says this means "The user's mailbox has reached its maximum allowed size." But neither RFC 2821, nor another reference at, is willing to go so far in specifying the meaning of this code, which on its face would only seem to mean that the condition defined in 452--or whichever of the several possibilities listed there--is not "temporary" but "permanent".

My provider says that anything after the number is "undefined" and not required.

So I guess the pertinent questions now are:

Is there a real difference, other than "temporary" vs "permanent", between 452 and 552?

Then, if the answer is, "Yes, 452 is insufficient disk space or RAM or connections for presumably temporary reasons and 552 is always mailbox quota exceeded, a permanent condition until the user takes action to rectify it," then why doesn't the provider's callback return 552 instead of "some number in the 400 range"?

And if the callback does in fact return 552, could not the provider then conclude that the account is valid?

And, lastly, how does any of this inform my provider, who hosts many domains, that my domain not only exists, but is a domain that he hosts and for which he should provide SMTP service?

Ken Dibble

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