On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Alan Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  Windows only, yes. There has never been any malware in it since I've
>  been using it.

Well, none that you know of. And they promise!

Have you ever wondered why is it they have to do that? That was the
thing that stuck out about their web site.

>  Haven't used it since 1999. Learning curve !

Who in this business doesn't have a zest for learning? emacs in
infinitely broad, infinitely deep, infinitely powerful. If it isn't,
you can write a plug-in to make it so. It's a editor, it's a language,
it's an OS, it's a religion (to some).

Me, I'm an agnostic. I've used SciTE. And gEdit and KATE, And Eclipse.
And vi. And whatever else happens to be handy. And I've got a copy of
TextMate on the Mac, sadly underused. And I used BRIEF, back in the

Ted "but no tabs!!!" Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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