On Fedora 14 and later, Xpp always produces a warning dialog on start up saying it can't find the bitmap images for the templates. (And the images don't appear in the templates window.) This appears to be due to the following:
I haven't looked into any work-around.

On Fedora 15, building Xpp works but it seg faults when I run it - see attached xpp_output.log. I can run a version built elsewhere but it has serious issues not updating the text windows when scrolling under certain circumstances, which may be related to Gnome 3 - I don't know.

Anyone unfortunate enough to be using Gnome 3 as well will find that the left window key (Super_L) is now used by Gnome. There is a simple work-around apart from the obvious using another modifier key. For
  Shift+Super_L  make sure you press Shift first
  Super_L        press X; press Super_L; release X
where X is any benign key. I use Shift (as I'm already in the habit of pressing Shift+Super_L).

Phil - wishing I had stuck with Fedora 13 for now...

Attachment: xpp_output.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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