On 04/01/2015 11:24 PM, Robert Norris wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, at 07:02 PM, Victor Seva wrote:
>     My approach was to extend mod_s2s as mod_s2sc to connect the nodes:
> So you're doing s2s/dialback between nodes? That will work I suppose,
> but in my case would be unnecessary overhead (not a lot of overhead, but
> still).

Yes, maybe not a wise decision.

> Do you do outbound s2s from the cluster nodes, or push that through a
> central s2s node? I'm thinking I'll have inbound through a central node,
> but outbound directly from the shards - much easier to manage.

I do outbound s2s from the nodes.

>     So I think we are trying to do the same thing. I have to point that I
>     didn't finish to polish this and for sure it could not work as it is
>     right now.
>     But you can get the idea.
> Of course. I'll have a good read of your code as soon as I possibly can.
> Thanks again!

Looking forward to your comments,

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