        here is my take on this issue.
        Yes there are a number of competitive file format systems to that
which we call generically "Gerber". I may have some of them wrong here but
there are various formats a couple of IPC initiatives, ODB++, Gemcam, oh
forget it I don't want to try remembering them all.
        The problem is one of generic acceptance throughout the industry.
Different groups with varied interests have developed these systems to
better convey everything from bare board design intent to manufacturing and
testing issues. Each system has various strengths and weaknesses, these
probably align with the primary intent of the group developing the system.
        The CAD vendors are caught in the middle of these competing systems.
What do their customers want, what are their competitors doing, etc.. They
do not want to adopt the next orphaned standard, they want to pick the
winning standard and put their efforts into it alone.
        The fabricators are also caught between the competitive standards.
Where do they invest their money and efforts and no doubt there will still
be a large number of their customers who just stick to Gerber because it is
simple and well know.
        Thus this whole affair goes round and round in circles. The only
people who care are those who already have a financial investment in one
standard or the other. The only people who typically adopt these new
standards are people who have had certain difficulties that cost them big $s
and they believe the new standard will stop them from experiencing the same
problem again.
        Well that's my view point, any others?

Brad Velander,
Lead PCB Designer,
Norsat International Inc.,
#300 - 4401 Still Creek Dr.,
Burnaby, B.C., V5C 6G9.
Tel. (604) 292-9089 direct
Fax (604) 292-9010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Adolphs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:31 AM
> To: Protel EDA Forum (E-mail)
> Subject: [PEDA] file formats for PCB manufacturers
> Is anyone using any format other than Gerber?
> At a IPC workshop they mentioned file formats which are much 
> better than
> Gerber.
> I stated that all the PCB manufacturers seem to only mention 
> Gerber formats.
> I
> don't think they want the expense of changing software for 
> their equipment
> in 
> a very competitive market.
> The IPC speaker was clearly frustrated that Gerber is still 
> used when they
> have
> created must better software (IPC calls the software GenCAM 2001).
> Jeff Adolphs
> Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
> Westerville, Ohio, USA

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