At 01:36 PM 10/29/01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Apparently there are hidden handles which link the PCB and
>schematic parts, and that works fine for reannotating as long as you keep it
>open. But when you close and reopen, it reestablishes those links via the
>reference designators.

Just to clarify a possible misunderstanding, if the links are 
re-established through reference designators after a renumbering but before 
the information has been transfered, you will have one big mess.

I generally do not recommend renumbering for several reasons, but this is a 
controversial subject, some people insist that renumbering is very useful. 
My own view is that there are better ways of accomplishing the same goal: 
ease of interpretation and identification of components by assembly and 
service personnel.

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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