On Thu, 13 June 2002, "Watnoski, Michael" wrote

> Greetings,
>       I recently found a problem while generating Gerber files from
> Protel.  When the Gerbers are generated without the 'Use Software Arcs' box
> checked, parts of polygon copper pours become complete arcs where they
> outline some pads.  This is not a problem on the board design.  These arcs
> short to adjacent polygons and tracks.  It seems to work OK when the box is
> checked.  I verified the Gerber files using Lavenier ViewMaster and LPKF
> BoardMaster and they look the same.  I have not checked the ASCII output of
> the Gerber file yet, but I suspect that the angles of the included arc are
> not generated properly.   Has anyone else seen this problem?
> Michael Watnoski

Dear Protel Experts,

As well as Mr. Watnoski I found out the same bug in the very beginning when I
obtained Protel99 and after many experiments relised that:

In Gerber files generated with Protel 99SE CAM Manager the following strange
things are observed:

1. When using format 274-D:
Pads with rectangular and oblong shapes with rotation angle different from 0 deg
are reverted to 0 deg. This doesn’t happen in 274-X.

2. Both 274-D and 274-X:
2.1. The same as above happens with area fills.
2.2. Arcs with angle less than 90 deg are converted into their complementaries –
i.e. if an arc has an angle 20 deg, in Gerber file it appears with angle
360-20=340 deg. The start-, end point and centre remain the same. This doesn’t
happen with “software arcs” ON because arcs are exploded down to straight line
segments. But this isn’t the right solution – can you imagine how large will
become the Gerber file with 2000 arcs in it? 

Above mentioned problems do not depend on the resolution (number of decimals) as
well as on the measure system (metric or inch). In addition they don’t occur
with Protel 98.

This is definitely bug in the CAM server itself because the same Gerbers
imported back into Protel PCB and into third party software (CAM350, CAMTASTIC,
PCGERBER etc. etc.) look exactly the same.
If anybody has an idea about the solution I would appreciate his advice.

Emil Strezov

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