rimas wrote:

hi there, this is a general PC board layout design question as opposed to a protel specific question - i hope noone minds too much

my question is this - i have a double sided board with ground fills on both sides - what is the best way to go about connecting these? the board is an audio A/D card (though not a fancy super high fidelity design by any means)

scattering a bunch of vias all over the place? or only connecting at a few key points ?

You have to analyze the effects of having more than one via tying the ground regions
together. If there could be circulating currents, that
could be either good or bad, depending on the details of the layout. In some
places, having ground currents pass partly through both outer layers will lower
the total ground plane impedance and be good.
In other cases, it could cause magnetic coupling to sensitive signal traces, and
be a bad thing, such that you'd want all the current flowing on only one side.
I generally use only one via if the outer layer ground region
is not already tied by a grounded through hole.


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