Thanks for your feedback, Kenton!  You've answered all of my questions.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Kenton Varda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Alex Loddengaard <
>> I should revise my problem slightly.  I had said that I am given an
>> instance of a Message class when deserializing.  This is true, though
>> sometimes that instance is null.  In the cases when it's null, I'm not able
>> to call newBuilderForType() on it.  I'm not able to call
>> getDefaultInstance(), either.  This is now problematic, though there may be
>> a work around.  Also given to me is a Class instance of the Message.  I'm
>> using Reflection to instantiate a new Message instance, then
>> getDefaultInstance() to get the default instance, and then I'm calling
>> newBuilderForType().  Is this problematic?
> Hmm, I think the framework you are using is poorly designed -- it should
> always give you a non-null default instance.  Using Java reflection is ugly.
> getDefaultInstance() is actually a static method.  So, you don't have to
> instantiate a new message instance first -- just call the static method
> without an instance.  You can't actually instantiate the message class
> directly anyway, since the constructors are private.
>> Thanks again.  Sorry for all the spam!
>> Alex
>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Alex Loddengaard <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I have a follow-up question:
>>> Will using *
>>> messageInstance.newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(input).build();* work for
>>> a stream that contains trailing binary information?
>>> I'm asking this question for the following reason: I'm using a very
>>> simple example where my Message just contains a single String.  When I print
>>> the serialized message with a value of "my_string", I get
>>> "<binary>my_string".  Now, when I see the stream coming in on the
>>> deserialization side, I get "<binary>my_string<binary>"  The leading binary
>>> is the same as the original, however the trailing binary is something new
>>> entirely.  The trailing binary is probably being created by Hadoop.
>>> Kenton, you have made it very clear that *
>>> messageInstance.newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(input).build();* is the
>>> correct approach.  What could possibly be going wrong if the stream I'm
>>> trying to deserialize from contains trailing binary data?
>>> Thanks ahead of time for your help.
>>> Alex
>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Alex Loddengaard <
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> After taking my code out of Hadoop, it looks as though my deserializing
>>>> mechanism is working fine.  My problem lies with my integration with 
>>>> Hadoop.
>>>> Thanks for resolving this issue, Kenton!
>>>> Alex
>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Alex Loddengaard <
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Kenton Varda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>>>> To clarify:  In my original message I was saying that you should call
>>>>>> isInitialized() on the builder returned by mergeFrom(), to make sure the
>>>>>> parsed message is complete, before you call build().
>>>>> Ah.  Now isInitialized() is returning true, though I'm still having
>>>>> problems deserializing.  Now that I'm using OutputStream and InputStream,
>>>>> I'm getting the following exception:
>>>>> Protocol message
>>>>> tag had invalid wire type.
>>>>> I'm going to take my code out of Hadoop to see if Hadoop is causing
>>>>> these issues.  I'm still weary of that, though, because other 
>>>>> serialization
>>>>> frameworks such as Facebook's Thrift seem to work in the framework that I 
>>>>> am
>>>>> using.
>>>>> Thanks for your help, Kenton!  I'll check back soon with my progress.

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