Resubmitted...haven't seen my post in a couple days so not sure 
what happened.

This is also posted on stackoverlow as well
Will update whichever site doesn't get the answer posted.


Been stumped on this for a while and pulling what is left of my hair out.

Sending non-nested Protobufs from Python to Java and Java to Python without 
an issue with WebSockets. My problem is sending a nested version over a 
WebSocket. I believe my issue is on the Python encoding side.

Your guidance is appreciated.

.proto file

message Response {
  // Reflect back to caller
  required string service_name = 1;

  // Reflect back to caller
  required string method_name = 2;

  // Who is responding
  required string client_id = 3;

  // Status Code
  required StatusCd status_cd = 4;

  // RPC response proto
  optional bytes response_proto = 5;

  // Was callback invoked
  optional bool callback = 6 [default = false];

  // Error, if any
  optional string error = 7;
  //optional string response_desc = 6;

message HeartbeatResult {
    required string service = 1;
    required string timestamp = 2;
    required float status_cd = 3;
    required string status_summary = 4;

A Heartbeat result is supposed to get sent in the reponse_proto field of 
the Response Protobuf. I am able to do this in Java to Java but Python to 
Java is not working.

I've included two variations of the python code. Neither of which works.

   def GetHeartbeat(self):
    print "GetHeartbeat called"
    import time
    ts = time.time()
    import datetime
    st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    heartbeatResult = rpc_pb2.HeartbeatResult()
    heartbeatResult.service = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    heartbeatResult.timestamp = st
    heartbeatResult.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK
    heartbeatResult.status_summary = "OK"

    response = rpc_pb2.Response()
    response.service_name = ""
    response.method_name = "SendHeartbeatResult"
    response.client_id = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    response.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK 
    response.response_proto = str(heartbeatResult).encode('utf-8')

    print "GetHeartbeat finished"

   def GetHeartbeat2(self):
    print "GetHeartbeat called"
    import time
    ts = time.time()
    import datetime
    st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    heartbeatResult = rpc_pb2.HeartbeatResult()
    heartbeatResult.service = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    heartbeatResult.timestamp = st
    heartbeatResult.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK
    heartbeatResult.status_summary = "OK"

    response = rpc_pb2.Response()
    response.service_name = ""
    response.method_name = "SendHeartbeatResult"
    response.client_id = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    response.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK 
    response.response_proto = heartbeatResult.SerializeToString()
    print "GetHeartbeat finished"
    print "GetHeartbeat called"
    import time
    ts = time.time()
    import datetime
    st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    heartbeatResult = rpc_pb2.HeartbeatResult()
    heartbeatResult.service = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    heartbeatResult.timestamp = st
    heartbeatResult.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK
    heartbeatResult.status_summary = "OK"

    response = rpc_pb2.Response()
    response.service_name = ""
    response.method_name = "SendHeartbeatResult"
    response.client_id = "ALERT_SERVICE"
    response.status_cd = rpc_pb2.OK 
    response.response_proto = str(heartbeatResult).encode('utf-8')

    print "GetHeartbeat finished"

Errors on the Java server side are:

(GetHeartbeat) Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag
Message: [org.java_websocket.exceptions.InvalidDataException: 
java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
    at org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl.decodeFrames(
    at org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl.decode(
Caused by: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
    at java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(
    at java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.decode(

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