I definitely agree we should make both the longer term roadmap and the
things being actively worked on for the next release more visible.

One frustration I've had with our communication tools has been with the
wiki. I actually had quite a good experience at first. I was happy with how
easy it was to author the Protocol Engines doc I wrote a little while back.
Since then though I have noticed that it is very difficult to find
something once you've authored it. There is no obvious way to navigate to
the page when you go here: https://cwiki.apache.org/qpid/, the search box
on the top doesn't seem to work well at all, and if you google "proton
protocol engines" you actually get to the mailing list updates for the
document but not the document itself.

I think any process that somehow distills and summarizes the higher
frequency activity from jira/lists/irc, would really need to solve and/or
find a better means of publishing the info than we currently have with the
wiki. I think we have a general gap in (good) tooling for low
frequence/live updated material.

Regarding the specific process you mention, I'd be happy to contribute to
periodic status/activity updates. I would, however, prefer a more
distributed process than funnelling through one person, i.e. put the
updates into some kind of shared/concurrently editable thing, e.g. a wiki
page or a google doc.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Phil Harvey <p...@philharveyonline.com>wrote:

> There is a lot of really exciting development being done on Proton at the
> moment.  However, I often wish that I had better visibility of ongoing
> work, so that I could better complement the work others are doing.
> Currently, the ways I find out about this work are:
> - Jira updates
> - The mailing list
> - IRC
> There are two problems with this: (1) I only get a partial view of what's
> going on, and (2) stuff usually gets put on Jira and the mailing list too
> late, i.e. when it's already in progress or is actually finished.
> Also, we do have a roadmap on the wiki [1], but I don't think this is used
> by many people at the moment.
> Maybe my desire for more visibility and coordination could be viewed as
> rather "command and control", and therefore not in the spirit of open
> source.  I'd be interested to hear what others think about this.
> For the record, what I think we should introduce is:
> 1. A regular round-up email that gets sent to the list.  Someone would be
> responsible for collating brief emails from developers describing what
> they're planning to work on, and would condense this into something useful
> to the general Proton community.  I would be happy to perform this role.
> This round-up would necessarily be descriptive, not prescriptive.
> 2. We would commit to keeping the roadmap more up to date so that it
> becomes a useful resource for people wishing to work in a complementary
> way.
> I believe that most of the above points could apply to the Qpid project as
> a whole.  But, to avoid trying to boil the ocean, I thought it would be
> worth testing these ideas in the narrower Proton domain first.
> Phil
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/qpid/AMQP+1.0+Roadmap

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